Landmark Books opened in 2013 in the historic Traverse City State Hospital in Traverse City, Michigan. We specialize in hard-to-find hardcover literature, poetry and modern fiction and we carry the area's best selection of out-of-print Michigan books.

About Landmark Books

We offer a number of services in addition to selling amazing used books:

Landmark Books also offers book searches for the books you thought you could never find. With over twenty years in the business, we also offer appraisal services for single books or large collections. Landmark Books can also build your home library, we can help you create a list of books and locate them for you and if you don’t have shelves, we can help you there as well.

Visit Our Bookstore
in Traverse City, Michigan

Landmark Books is located in the beautifully restored State Hospital of Traverse City, Michigan.  Visit our pop-up store at Wilson’s Antiques East Bay as well.   Call us, visit us, or email us with the information below. Landmark Books is open year-round Monday through Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm and Sunday 10:00am to 3:00pm.

Visit our second location

Wilson’s Antiques East Bay 5600 US 31 North, Acme, Michigan 49610

Visit the Landmark Books facebook page and keep up to date with the latest book news and happenings at our store.

Landmark Books Publishing

Landmark Books publishes limited edition broadsides and postcards by local and national writers under Squirrel Cane Press.  Past authors published include Jim Daniels, Keith Taylor, Michael Delp and former Poet Laureate of Delaware, Fleda Brown.  Our recent project is the Condensed Poetry Series.

Who Is Landmark Books?

Landmark Books is owned by Paul Stebleton, a book collector and published author who began collecting books in college. Stebleton is a Hopwood award and Gwendolyn Brooks award winner.

He is the author of, “Bus Station Meditations”, “Grandma Returns To the Earth” and “Short Order Poems”, and you can find his works in poetry journals across the country.

He has worked in the book business for over twenty years as a bookseller at both independent stores and major book chains. He began selling used books in 1994 and opened Book-O-Rama in 1997. In 2013 he opened Landmark Books and achieved his dream of being a full-time bookstore owner.

Recent News, Updates & Events

Now We Are Eleven

Landmark Books is celebrating their eleventh anniversary. The shop opened in 2013 after sharing space on Union Street at the Bookie Joint. We have been

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Welcome 2021

This past year has been a heartbreaking one for all of us.  Landmark Books was closed for nearly three months due to the COVID 19

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Do you enjoy our designs?  Well now you can order them online through Zazzle.

Join the Landmark Book's Typing Team!

Landmark Books carries a great selection of vintage typewriters and can order new ribbons for your machine.  We also service manual typewriters for a reasonable rate.  Call ahead to schedule an appointment today and join the Landmark Books Typing Team!  

Visit our second location

Wilson’s Antiques East Bay 5600 US 31 North, Acme, Michigan 49610

Contact Us!

Visit our second location

Wilson’s Antiques East Bay 5600 US 31 North, Acme, Michigan 49610