Friday October 31st is not only Halloween; it marks a year of open mic poetry events at Landmark Books. This themed poetry reading happens monthly on the final Friday from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. Designed as an event all ages could enjoy we encourage people to read original poetry or poetry from someone they appreciate as long as it goes along with the theme of the evening.
The themes generally have something to do with the month and we have not repeated a theme yet. This Friday our theme is ‘Halloween Costumes’. I’ll be reading a poem about my experiences with ‘Mom-Made’ costumes. There is no time limit or length, but we encourage people to be considerate and not read anything too epic or too brief.
Here are the past themes:
October 2013 – Halloween / November 2013 – Thanksgiving vs. Christmas / December 2013 – Christmas / January 2014 – New Year’s Resolutions / February 2014 – Valentine’s Day or Love / March 2014 – Déjà Vu / April 2014 – Death and Taxes / May 2014 – Work / June 2014 – Dads / July 2014 – Flags / August 2014 – Summer / September 2014 – Censorship /
If you’ve never been to a poetry reading, this event is a great one to attend. The event is casual and there is no stress, just fun for the entire family. It’s like karaoke without the music. So if you’ve never thought you could read poetry out loud to a group, here’s the perfect opportunity to prove you can. Let us know if there is a theme that you would like us to consider and we can see if we can fit it into our schedule for the year. Future themes include Harvest for November and White Elephant Gifts for December.