Landmark Books along with Squirrel Cane Press have sponsored an annual haiku contest since 2015 open to all ages. It is popular form of poetry created in Japan and a form that lends itself well to any subject. The form has morphed into many varieties, but we have requested haiku that fit the 5/7/5 format and that these be original creations.
Past winners have included:
2015: Elizabeth Paxson, “Wool Gathering
2016: Edd Tury, “Passage
2017: Ellen Lord, “Lunacy

After sorting through the nearly 400 submissions from all over the state and the world we are proud to announce this year’s winner, Mark Morgan Jr. with his haiku “Banshee”. Mark is Detroit native and has been publishing his work mostly online. We look forward to publishing his haiku on a limited edition postcard which will be sold exclusively at Landmark Books. In the mean time, if you would like to check out some of Mark’s poetry, check out his blog, An Autumn Road, at Watch our facebook page and website for details on the release.

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