So we’ve been in the new location for three weeks now and I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone we do service old manual typewriters and also sell ribbons. In an effort to keep print alive we do our best to help those who love their typing machines. If we don’t have what you need we are always happy to special order it for you as well.
So if you love typewriters like we do stop by and see our stock we have for sale. Prices range from $50 to $450. It’s not too late to get into the hobby. I took typing in 1987 on an IBM Selectric, the last class to take typing in my high school. There is a bond between you and a typewriter that a laptop can’t replace and we understand that passion.
Have you inherited a family member’s typewriter or do you have one in your basement? Landmark Books is always buying typewriters in serviceable condition for fair prices. Please no electric typewriters or word processors, we only look at the manual typewriters from turn of the century to the 7o’s.
Does your typewriter need a cleaning? We can do that too. Just drop it off and we can usually have it back the next day and we charge a reasonable rate. So join the typing team today at Landmark Books.
Our new location is in the South Mercato across from Gallery 50. Stop by today and say hello and bring your typewriter, we’d love to see it!