Landmark Books is proud to have poetry legend Terry Wooten in the store for a special reading and book signing Friday July 17th. Terry has been a part of the poetry community in Northern Michigan for over thirty years. Over that time he has taken his poetry from sea to shining sea reading all over the country. His latest book collects nearly a decade of poetry and is called “The Stone Circle Poems”. It is the most definitive collection of his work to appear and contains many favorites.
So many have been touched by Terry’s poetry over the years. As a modern bard he participates in many K-12 programs, college conferences and festivals sharing the verbal tradition of spoken poetry. He was influenced by another well known Michigan poet, Max Ellison and his approach shows many similarities. Wooten is a two-time recipient of Michigan Creative Artist Awards, as well as having been listed in the Michigan Arts and Humanities Touring Directory, and his Elders Project was awarded the 2013 State History Award in Education from the Historical Society of Michigan.
I became aware of Terry through Stone Circle, a gathering of poets and performers who recite prose as it might have been done thousands of years ago over a roaring fire amongst eighty boulders arranged in concentric circles. The event runs every Saturday from mid June to Labor Day weekend and draws poets from around the country. It is a great way to get introduced to poetry and learn about our heritage.
Landmark Books is proud to bring Terry back for a second event this year. The reading will begin at 6:00pm and is free. We will have copies of Terry’s books available for sale at the event. For details please call 231-922-7225.