Happy Birthday Harper Lee!

In school there are books that have become canon for youth, books we have all read at some point in our life. Today is the birthday of the author of one of these books. She had fallen out of the public eye until it was announced last year that a new book would be hitting […]

Saying Goodbye To Gunter Grass

Today Landmark Books says goodbye to Nobel Laureate Gunter Grass. He passed away April 13th in Lubeck, Germany at the age of 87 from a lung infection. Sporting the mustache before it was cool, Gunter Grass earned a reputation for works such as ‘The Diary of a Snail’, ‘Cat and Mouse’ and of course, ‘The […]

What Is A Broadside and Why Are They Collectible?

The dictionary defines a Broadside as: A large sheet of paper printed on one side only Historically, broadsides were posters, announcing events or proclamations, or simply advertisements. Today, broadside printing is done by many smaller printers and publishers as a fine art variant, with poems often being available as broadsides, intended to be framed and […]

Robert Frost At Landmark Books Today

On the verge of National Poetry Month we at Landmark Books would like to wish a happy birthday to Robert Frost, the Poet Laureate of Vermont. Frost was born on this day in 1874 in San Francisco, California, but his writing would focus on New England and rural life. His poems would earn him four […]

“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” Published Today

On this day in 1852 one of the most important American novels hit streets and caused a stir. The book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe was called “Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or Life Among the Lowly” and it would go to become the bestselling book of the 19th century. It was also the book cited by […]

In Case You Missed King of the Beats Last Night

I wanted to take a moment and reflect on last evenings outing in the Warehouse District celebrating Jack Kerouac’s birthday for those who weren’t able to attend. It was an amazing night of ukulele music, free styling poetry and comradery as we toasted to the King of the Beats. I would like to thank everyone […]

Landmark Books Celebrates the King of the Beats, Jack Kerouac

Tomorrow marks a momentous day for Beat fans as it is the birthday of Jean-Louis Lebris de Kérouac. We know him better as Jack Kerouac, born March 12th 1922 in Lowell, Massachusetts. Kerouac along with Allen Ginsberg and William S Burroughs would lead the new style of writing that we refer to today as Beat […]

Landmark Books Says Goodbye To Philip Levine

Valentine’s Day will now have a new meaning for me at Landmark Books. No longer will it be a hated Hallmark Holiday, but it will now remind me of the death of one of my favorite poets, Philip Levine who passed away at the age of 87 after battling pancreatic cancer. Levine took his experiences […]

What Would You Suggest? We Want To Know

The isolating cold and snow of February in Northern Michigan gives many time to think and ponder answers to questions like this one. If you met a person who had never read a piece of Fiction before, what would you give them to read? It’s an interesting question to think about with no right or […]

Landmark Books Celebrates the Birth of a Giant

French born poet, playwright and novelist Jules Verne was born on this day in 1828 in Nantes. Considered a Father of modern science fiction he is the second most translated author in the world next to Agatha Christie. His novels have never gone out of print and remain on the best of lists around the […]